Chroma 2 Case
Common card
This is a Common product card. It aggregates other offers of similar items
Market hash name
Chroma 2 Case
Case, Weapon Case
Contains one of the following:
AK-47 | Elite Build
MP7 | Armor Core
Desert Eagle | Bronze Deco
P250 | Valence
Negev | Man-o'-war
Sawed-Off | Origami
AWP | Worm God
MAG-7 | Heat
CZ75-Auto | Pole Position
UMP-45 | Grand Prix
Five-SeveN | Monkey Business
Galil AR | Eco
FAMAS | Djinn
M4A1-S | Hyper Beast
MAC-10 | Neon Rider
or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!